LRadical Photography © 2023


Lyndsay RadNedge



1969: I saved cereal box tops to get my first camera: a Kodak Instamatic 25 that used c126 film cassettes.

1981: My first SLR, an Olympus OM-2n; saw me through college and vacations before my life took over and my fling with photography faded.

2010: A birthday present, an Olympus EPL1 is a really impressive little camera - it has a small but detailed sensor, and interchangeable lenses

2011: I learned to shoot raw and use Lightroom; I never looked back.

2012: I took a Sports Photography course - the class cost a couple of hundred dollars, and then several thousand for a full frame Nikon, a big lens and a much bigger camera bag. Because of this class, I started shooting Earthquakes games for Center Line Soccer and Prost Amerika.  

2014: After more classes, more lenses, and more subject matter, I started this portfolio.

2021: Shooting Earthquakes soccer, Stanford athletics and other events for ISI Photos Inc.


If it moves, shoot it.

If it doesn't move, shoot it.

Don't be afraid to shoot into the light.

One can never have too many memory cards.

Or batteries.

Will shoot for food.

​Will shoot for credentials.